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Discover How to Create the Perfect Cleaning Logo to Help Your Brand Succeed
Cleaning and sanitation are popular businesses nowadays, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic a few years back. With more and more people interested in industrial cleaning and professional sanitation, this business niche has seen a dramatic rise. And since then, we have seen many a cleaning logo around us, from simple unofficial setups by youngsters looking to make some extra money, to commercial businesses.
For the most part, cleaning businesses seem to look quite similar in terms of branding and logo design, as the majority of them use similar iconography. However, a few of these cleaning business names and logos have managed to set themselves apart without straying away from the essence of the industry, or sacrificing their individuality.
But how have these professional cleaning company logo examples managed to stand out? Is it because they used expert logo design services where others used a slapdash process for their brand symbol? Or is there some other secret to that success?
Let’s take a look at how these brands have managed to achieve this feat successfully.
Hallmarks of a Great Cleaning Logo That You Need to Incorporate in Your Design

Every great cleaning logo in the industry, despite its individuality, has a few characteristics common with other successful brand symbols in the market. These characteristics are what define that logo’s true worth, and decide if it is a great logo, or a subpar symbol.
There are a few tenets to solid logo design often touted by professional designers, which according to them ensure that a brand’s logo will be successful. Let’s take a look at the most critical of these factors.
Simplicity in design is something that has become quite popular in recent years. A decade or so ago, logos was far more intricate and detailed than they are today. But research has shown that people tend to remember logos better and quicker when there are fewer visual details to memorize.
Distinctive and memorable
Logically, it is obvious that the more distinct your brand logo, the better its chances of people recognizing it quicker. Moreover, distinct styles tend to stick out in the viewer’s mind, meaning they require less mental effort to recognize the symbol, thus increasing your brand awareness.
Carrying over the topic from the previous point, distinctiveness automatically leads to uniqueness. If your logo is considered distinctive, that means there are no others like it to make viewers confused. Uniqueness is necessary to build a brand identity, and grow your brand loyalty.
Consistent, yet, flexible
Your design should be consistent across all of your mediums, that is true. However, flexibility in the minor design details that enhance the overall look is what you should aim to do. That could include a simple icon in place of a full logo for smaller mediums, or a combination mark for when your name is needed with your cleaning logo.
Incorporate personality
Finally, as the logo represents your brand, it should also embody the desired brand personality. For example, a toy manufacturer’s logo might be considered odd if the design of their brand symbol is serious and austere, considering that the ideal brand personality is supposed to be fun.
General Purpose Cleaning Company Logo Ideas
Some cleaning businesses do it all – cleaning the venue, to washing and sprucing the carpets and the upholstery. They do not have a specialty or niche service, and are content being a simple Jack-of-all-trades. And while they are good at their work, their lack of specific niche means that its hard to create a logo that depicts all that they do.
Let’s take a look at some of the best general cleaning logos.
4M Cleaning Services Logo

This cleaning company logo for the 4M cleaning business is quite unique. The design accompanying the wordmark is a somewhat abstract illustration, which when looked at sideways seems to be a slanted 4M. The color palette used is quite simple, that is white over blue, and the font used for the wordmark is a simple, sans serif font in a blocky style.
Braga Cleaning Company Logo

Braga Cleaning logo is not exactly unique. However, their combination of a blocky and feminine handwritten logo fonts makes the design stand out effectively. The imagery accompanying the brand name shows the shape of a broom, with sparkles coming off the handle. The first word of the name is written in a font similar to the one used for the Barbielogo. The word Cleaning however, is written in a simple, bold, sans serif typeface.
Genies in a Bucket Cleaning Logo

This cleaning business logo is one of the most iconic types of logos on our list. In this design, the icon and the wordmark both play an equal role in enhancing the impact of the logo. as per their brand name, the wordmark seems to be emerging out of a cloud of suds, with the bucket playing the part of the magic lamp. All in all, a genius design to stand out in the market.
Carpet Cleaning Services Logo Ideas
Rug and carpet cleaning have been thriving businesses for a long time, as these expensive pieces of your furniture require a huge amount of care and effort to clean. And that is something most people either can’t, or won’t do themselves.
Usually, these businesses aren’t hired to simply vacuum the carpets, but are contracted to provide a deep cleaning treatment which often isn’t possible at home, without the right tools.
Let’s discuss some of the popular carpet cleaning brand symbols.
Freaky Clean Logo for Cleaning Business

The cleaning logo’s use of an illustrated, anthropomorphic vacuum cleaner to portray their primary rug cleaning service is a great idea to help consumers know their business. The accompanying wordmark is also in a whimsical font, making the overall design of the illustrated logo one of fun and upbeat energy. The bright red and white color palette adds even more energy to this cleaning company logo.
Pristine Cleaning Business Logo

Pristine Cleaning logo is an interesting study in minimalism at its best. The simple iconography accompanying the wordmark is instinctively understood as belonging to a cleaning business, especially when elevated by the blue and black color combinations.
Hound House Cleaning Company Logo

Hound House Cleaning services logo has an interesting design. The image used is a that of a dog wearing a classic French maid cap, which helps make the cleaning logo unique and highly memorable. The accompanying masculine fonts uses a combination of straight sans serif characters, as well as slightly curved and artistic blocky font.
Best Cleaning Company Logo Ideas from Successful Sanitation Companies
Some cleaning business logos are, to put it simply, the best. Their designs, as well as the manner in which these cleaning logo ideas portray their brand makes them the best brand identifiers in the industry. Let’s take a look at a few of the best cleaning logos we have managed to find so far.
Water Paper Cleaning

Water Paper Cleaning is a unique business with a unique cleaning services logo. They are a window cleaning business specifically, and use special kinds of cleaning equipment for a streak-free finish. The design of their cleaning logo is quite unique, and follows the concept of the golden ratio. The shape is that of a water droplet, but the seamless curve of lines into a folded paper gives it a unique visual perspective.
Dr Clean Cleaning Company Logo

Dr Clean found a unique way to make their cleaning company logo stand out, and that was the inclusion of an elephant’s outline. The small and simple illustration adds an innovative touch to the design, which draws a viewers’ eyes to it. However, the addition of unrelated imagery to a cleaning logo can also backfire quite spectacularly if not used properly, something this logo seems to have avoided.
Window Cleaning Company Logo Ideas
Window cleaning businesses are quite a common site, especially in large cities with tall buildings and skyscrapers. These service providers are experts in cleaning huge glass facades, while suspended hundreds of feet above the ground onto a simple platform. Let’s take a look at some of the top window cleaning logos.
Man Maid Cleaning Business Logo

Main Maid Cleaning sounds more like some funny cleaning slogans than a cleaning business name. However, the company offers a variety of sanitation services including window cleaning, a niche depicted in the logo design. The cleaning logo is a simple black, blue, and white colored wordmark, with a small squeegee wiper wiping up the blue from the wordmark. This design serves the dual purpose of telling the viewers their primary service, as well as making their cleaning company logo unique.
eFrank Cleaning Services Logo

eFrank Cleaning Service uses a simple wordmark logo using an orange and blue color palette. The name is surrounded by streaks of the same colors, with the top right having an image of a blue wiper blade cleaning it all up. The design of their cleaning company logo is simple, memorable, and quite effective in communicating its purpose.
Aftermath Sanitation Cleaning Company Logo

Aftermath’s cleaning service logo simply portrays the company’s primary purpose, which is to perform deep cleaning and biohazard sanitation on infected surfaces, including glass surfaces and windows. The logo symbol has small illustrations of bacteria and other microorganisms, and the shield-like design makes it look like a source of protection against those harmful microbes. Overall, the cleaning business logo is a good representation of their business.
How Can You Create a Unique and Innovative Cleaning Logo?

Creating the perfect cleaning logos for your business can be quite simple, if you know who to go to. However, a little research, effort, and brainstorming can help you come up with innovative ideas like the ones we have seen above. And that will be the first step towards giving your brand a logo it deserves.
Many people believe that an online logo maker tool such as Canva or Wix is a great choice to get a unique, impactful logo. Unfortunately, they would be wrong.
Most of these tools, even those that use AI to design, use premade pieces of design and logo symbols, combining them to create something new. The result is often something that looks okay-ish, but doesn’t have the depth of soul that a professionally designed, tailored logo would have. And while it may come quite a bit cheaper than an expert logo designer, it would come at the cost of your logo’s uniqueness and brand impact.
The best option however, is to hire a professional branding agency to create your cleaning business logo. This would ensure that your logo for cleaning service would have a truly iconic and one of a kind brand symbol to stand out in the market.
Frequently Asked Questions
1- What colors are best for a cleaning business logo? Blue and white is the most popular color combination used in cleaning logos. You can also use yellow, green, and other similarly cool shades to your logo palette for your cleaning logo ideas. |
2- What are some good names that would make great cleaning logos? A few popular cleaning business names include: – Nooks & Cranny Cleaning Company. – Ready-Maid Cleaning Services. – Executive Cleaning. – Maid in (your city name) All of these would work great for impactful cleaning business logos, whether its for a wordmark-based design, or a combination mark. |
3- How can I find inspiration for my cleaning company logo? To find design inspiration for your cleaning business, you can look for successful cleaning businesses in your area and see what their logos have to offer. Moreover, you can go to template sites like Freepik to see some cleaning logo templates to get an idea about possible design avenues. |
Now that you know what it takes for a successful brand to create an amazing cleaning logo, you are now ready to go on with the process of how to design a logo. You may think that coming up with suitable cleaning logo ideas may be a difficult prospect. However, if you follow the guidelines and tips give above, and start by understanding the essence of your business, you are sure to succeed.
Now, if you want to hire a professional logo design agency to create your cleaning company logo for you, Logo Poppin can help you with that. Our expert designers are skilled in creating logos that embody a brand’s true essence within them.

Logopoppin is a graphic design agency that specializes in logo designing, web development, video production and advanced branding services. We love to innovate businesses with new age technologies, allowing them to improve their visual reputation.