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    A Guide to Designing Awesome Event Planner Logos

    logopoppin Published: December 5, 2022 12 min read

    Discover How to Create Perfect Party Planner Logos Quickly and Easily

    A logo is an important part of the brand identity for a business, no matter the industry or niche. For an event planner, it is doubly so. In businesses where customer trust is key, a logo is the start of the process of trust building and brand development starts. Initially, when party planners start out, they rely on their own name and goodwill to get business. Overtime, as their business grows, the need for a brand identity arises, which demands the creation of a few great event planner logos from to choose.

    The reason for that is simple. Unless branding your own self, business branding is usually separate from the individual. It allows the business to flourish independently from the owner’s personal brand, which is often essential to a successful business.

    So, you’ve decided that your event planning business needs a logo. But how will you create one? Should you make it yourself, or hire a professional logo design agency to do it for you? Do not worry; we have got you covered. The guide below will help you find the perfect concept for your party planner logo, and help you create the brand logo you desire.

    What are Event Planner Logos?

    As the name suggests, an event planner logo is a brand symbol that represents an event planning business. Now, either it can be representative of the business as an entity, or it may represent the event planner themselves.

    What it does is that it helps represent the niche of your business. It may be that you specialize in general parties or gatherings, while another event planning business specializes in planning large corporate events. Your logo can be useful in representing that to potential clients, in order to help them make the right decision.

    When it comes to coming up with business logo ideas, the fundamentals behind them remain the same, no matter the industry. For each logo, you need to understand the industry, the business in question, and the expectations of the consumers. That, combined, can help you create effective brand logos every time that have the intended impact.

    Why Does Your Business Need a Great Event Planner Logo?

    corporate event

    Up to a certain point, businesses like event planning and party planning can be managed without an official brand presence. Word-of-mouth marketing and goodwill is more than enough to get the steady flow of customers. However, after you cross a certain point, there comes a need to establish a proper brand for your business, with a company name, logo, address (virtual/physical), sources of contact, and more.

    This is because you will now have grown into a business large enough to employee a larger workforce, which would be able to handle a larger workload. So, you will need to brand to allow potential customers to reach you.

    Let’s say you are a party planner who plans wedding receptions, wakes, and other such formal to semi-formal events. For a long time, you had been relying on your previous customers recommending you to new customers, and that was all the work you could handle at the time. A few years later, with you now experienced in handling multiple projects at a time, and established connections within the industry, you fell that the time is tight to expand.

    You decide to hire a junior event planner to mentor, and help you with simpler projects, while you tackle the big ones. With you now able to handle more work, you also hire more support staff. Now the venture is starting to look like a company. And a company needs a name. It needs a logo.

    But how will you do it? Let’s find out how you will choose from various types of logos to find the one that suits your business the best.

    Elements That Define Awesome Party Planner Logos

    marshmello concert

    A good logo is a good logo, regardless of its industry. If it fulfills its brief, and has the intended impact on the target audience, then it is a successful logo. A logo, no matter for what business or industry, is the first contact a potential customer has with the business. That is why it is essential that it portray the right message.

    So how can we ensure that our logo conveys our brand message successfully? Five major characteristics define whether a logo is able to communicate its message successfully.

    • Simplicity
    • Relevance
    • Versatility
    • Timelessness
    • Memorability

    If your logo meets the criteria for these characteristics, then its highly probable that your design will be a success. And today, it needs to be successful on a variety of mediums, from physical print to digital copies on websites and social media channels.

    This omnichannel marketing strategy for brands can be helpful, as it allows them to connect with potential users as early as possible, and asses your designs based on their feedback. In short, it will help you answer these two all-important questions:

    • What is your ideal consumer like?
    • How does my brand placement match the search intent of someone looking for an event planner?

    Answering these questions will help you come with suitable event planner logos and ideas to implement within your own design.

    Types of Event Planer Logos to Choose From

    As you know, you can choose from various logotypes for your business, based on your preferences. Depending on your aesthetic, you can go for a simple and elegant wordmark or logomark. How about an abstract combination logo for something chic and different?

    Let’s look at the various styles of brand logos you can use to create your event planner logos.

    Abstract Logo

    Microsoft logo

    An abstract logo is a type of graphic logo where the imagery is not a known shape or image. In essence, it is an abstract design made to attract with its flowing lines and geometric patterns that draw the eye. These abstract designs often highlight a wordmark or lettermark within them, thus drawing the eye to the critical area of the logo instantly.

    Graphic Logo

    twitter logo

    Like abstract logos, graphic logos rely on the addition of a graphic to make their mark. Think Twitter logo or Apple logo. These kinds of logos are designed to mimic the name of the company, making it easy for people to remember the logo, and the brand, even when given barely a glance. However, for young businesses that are still trying to make their mark, it can be difficult to find an image that resonates with their brand name.

    Wordmark Logo

    coca-cola logo

    A wordmark logo uses a word, typically the name of the brand, using a specifically chosen typeface, and designs it into a logo. They usually rely on special typefaces and scripts to make their logos attractive and unique, which can be one they choose from an existing library, or have a custom font designed themselves. Examples of it can be Subway and Coca Cola.

    Lettermark Logo

    HP logo

    Lettermarks can be considered a subtype of wordmark logos, where instead of the complete name of the brand, the initials are used for a shorter, punchier impact. Examples of it are Yves Saint Laurent, IBM, and HP etcetera.

    Combination Logo

    NBC logo

    With a self-explanatory name like combinations logos, its easy to understand that this type of logo is a combination of other styles like wordmarks, abstract, graphic, and more. A combination logo combines the various types it uses and turns it into a unique and attractive logo, Like KFC, or NBC.

    Mascot Logo

    Wendys logo

    Mascot logos use their brand mascot within the design of their logo. It can be an avatar or a creature, like the Wendy’s logo. This type of logo is generally more suited towards bigger brands that are already established, and are trying to connect with their consumers by being more human and approachable. Smaller businesses, on the other hand, have no need for it.


    Starbucks logo

    Emblem logos are a type of formal logo design, in the style of crests or seals from the decades past. They are often used by traditional businesses, or very formal brands as a way of displaying their sophistication and heritage. It is not recommended at all for something like event planner logos, due to its formal connotations. A great example of this is the Starbucks logo.

    Designing Your Own Party Planner Logos

    Now that you know what styles of logos are there to take inspiration from, the next step is to begin designing your logo. This can be done a couple of ways. However, unless you know how to design a logo, it is best to hire a professional logo designer or design agency to do it for you.

    Nevertheless, whatever option you may choose, you need to be aware about the process of creating your event planner logos. Let’s look at what that process entails.

    Trendy logos for the brands of today

    Our designers create custom-tailored logos based on your brand personality.

    Defining Your Brand

    The first step is to define your brand and its intended message. This is important, as your brand inspiration, chosen style of design, and even the finalized logo will need to be made according to this brand definition. Defining your brand helps you spell out your goals, vision, and aspirations.

    Studying the Competition

    Creating a brand without studying what your competition is doing is a recipe for disaster. Take a look at their logos and other branding elements. What stylistic elements speak to you from their strategy? What would you do differently? Armed with this knowledge, you can move on towards creating your party planner logo easily.

    Looking for Inspiration

    Besides looking at your competition, you also need to research brand logos to find other elements and styles you can incorporate within your logo for a great impact. Look at the logos for brands that attract you, or for whom you feel an affinity. Study what makes their logos so great and expressive, and learn how you can incorporate them within your design.

    Choose Your Design Style

    Next, once you know what to and not to add to your logo, the next step is to choose the style of logo you want. Take a look at the styles we described earlier. Evaluate which one is capable of incorporating the elements you desire in your logo, and select it for your brand symbol.

    Create a Color Palette & Choose Your Fonts

    Next, choose the color combinations and the fonts you want to incorporate within your logo. Choose one that suits your brand image and perception, and doesn’t take away from the message you are trying to portray. Moreover, your color palette and your font should match each other in tone too, in order to have a unified impact upon viewers.

    Deciding How to Get Your Logo Designed

    Finally, you will choose who to get to design your brand logo. If you are low on budget, and know the basics of graphic and logo design, the best option would be to use an online graphic design tool to create your brand logo, like Canva. On the other hand, if you have a flexible budget, hiring a professional to do it is always the best option, as online tools are unable to capture our brand essence in the way a professional logo designer can.

    Related Resource: Check out top event planner websites for inspiration.

    People Also Ask (FAQs)

    1. How can I create an event planning business logo?
    In order to create a good event management logo, you need to:
    – Keep it simple
    – Know your brand, inside and out
    – Make the logo unique
    – Look for inspiration everywhere
    – Be prepared to research, a lot
    – Be open to feedback
    2. What are the 5 C’s of event planning?
    The five C’s of event planning include:
    – Concept
    – Coordination
    – Control
    – Culmination
    – Closeout
    3. What are the four rules of good party planner logo?
    The four fundamentals of a party planner logo include:
    – It should reflect your company’s true persona
    – There should be no extra details
    – It is scalable for a variety of mediums
    – It should have balance, whether symmetric or asymmetric.


    In short, creating your event planner logos can be made easier, if you know the proper process. Once you have done your homework about the kind of logo you want for your business, you will be ready to commission a brand logo that will see your event planning business achieve new heights over your competitors.

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    Logopoppin is a graphic design agency that specializes in logo designing, web development, video production and advanced branding services. We love to innovate businesses with new age technologies, allowing them to improve their visual reputation.
