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    Best Packaging Ideas for a Small Business to Generate Leads

    logopoppin Published: April 13, 2022 12 min read

    Know About the Latest and Trending Packaging Ideas for a Small Business

    Branding plays a vital role in the success of any company. It not only helps in marketing, but also in the optimization of brand reach. Those businesses that offer physical products must need to pay attention to their product packaging as it is also an important part of company branding. It has the power to not only catch the attention, but also encourage people to buy the products instantly. That is the reason why packaging ideas for a small business matters a lot. It can help their products to grab attention, provided they are also offered at an inexpensive price.

    Nowadays, many brands prefer to take branding services and come up with a new packaging design after a regular time interval. It is a pretty good rebranding strategy that often helps to gain good attention from the market. You can find countless examples in the industry where companies have constantly opted for new product packages. It includes popular examples of McDonalds, PepsiCo, Starbucks and more others.

    If you are also looking to rebrand your products using a creative packaging design, take a look at the tips given below. This article has defined some great co-branding ideas for a small business you must need to learn about. These tips will help you to create and modify the product packages efficiently, right as per the given requirements.

    But before moving into it, let’s first understand how a new packaging impacts on the branding of the products.

    Impact of Bringing New Product Packaging

    New product packaging

    With the rising challenge of personal branding competition in the market, companies are actively trying to enhance the visuals of their products. Besides keeping the quality as their first priority, they are also preferring to optimize the overall appearance of their products. That is because product packaging plays an important role in branding, only if it is designed creatively.

    Some companies also create multiple product packaging to get more advantage from this trend. Most of them do this on any particular occasion, such as Christmas, New Year and other festivities. The main idea behind rebranding the product is to give it a fresh look. This not only enables eyeballs to turn, but also encourages the customers to buy the new products quickly.

    That is why it is always said to design the new product packaging carefully. It can lead tons of new customers towards the product, should they be marketed with the right branding strategy. It doesn’t matter how much the product is established in the market, a new look always provides the capacity to engage more people and enhance the reputation of the business in the market.

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    Creative Packaging Ideas for a Small Business

    Product packaging ideas

    Being a small business, you would need to pay extra attention to the branding package of your products. It will help you to get more product sales, provided other branding elements are also marketed precisely.

    If you are getting short packaging ideas for a small business, take a look at the creative techniques given below. It will let you decide the correct packaging design for your products, rightly as per the modern trends.

    Full Custom Product Packages

    Full custom packages

    The best way for any product packaging design is by performing an overall customization. This is a great technique to design the whole box the way you want. From logos to graphical figures, everything can be custom printed on the packages as per your requirements. It solidifies the whole branding image of the company, encouraging customers to show instant interest in the products.

    Today, most of the companies prefer to fully customize their products using a creative design. Some of them like to go with the complete glitzy theme, while some only opts to keep the branding simple. It basically depends on your own choice, as to how you want to present the best image of your product to the customers.

    Any graphic design you choose should look attractive to the people. This is the most important point you need to keep in mind, as all the efforts and designing results are hugely dependent on it.

    Exterior Logo Branding

    Exterior logo branding

    It is always advised to showcase the logo as creatively as you can on the packages. There are different ways to do that, such as printing it on the exterior of the packages. It could be done using a transparent sheet on one side of the products. You can print your logo, as well as the tagline on it, making the whole product branding look highly unique.

    Besides being creative, it is also a very cost-effective option. The logo stickers are generally available at cheap prices; hence you can easily use them on your packages without building any heavy toll on the budget. This gives small businesses a great opportunity to use them on product branding. It doesn’t cost them much, as well as provides a creative way to design the packages as per the latest branding standards.

    There are tons of rebranding examples available in the market that describe how to use logo stickers on product packages. You can analyze them to know better about its usage, or could consult any branding agency as well to do the job for you.

    Printed Packaging

    Printed box packaging

    If you are fond of using the conventional branding methods, printed packaging certainly looks a great option for your products. It is the most common packaging method used by different types of companies. Whether they are selling any food or an electronic item, they prefer to just print a company logo on the box to give it a classical branding touch. Though it looks a bit old school, but also offers a very simple branding image of the products.

    The color combination for this type of packaging also matters a lot. Generally, companies choose brown colored boxes for packaging. It is commonly used by everyone, especially the electronic goods companies. They use black ink to print their branding essentials on the box, which includes logos, taglines and short product details.

    Meanwhile, in contrast to it, some companies also use white boxes instead of conventional brown for product packaging design. They use the similar contrast of black ink to print the logos, as it suits most with the combination of white. Besides it, red and blue could also be used for logo printing, as it also forms a great level of contrast with the white color.

    Custom Thankyou & Complimentary Notes

    Thankyou notes

    Greeting your customers with a thank you note could really help to take the branding to the next level. It is a unique practice that is followed by only a few companies. But, it yields great results in terms of attracting more eyeballs towards the products. People generally feel good when they are greeted with a thankyou note. They tend to engage more with the products, as well as recommend it to others as well.

    To add a thankyou note, you can follow different types of practices. Firstly, you can include a separate card on the top of the package written with a heartwarming thankyou note. It will increase a bit of your packaging cost, as you will have to buy these cards in addition to the product packages.

    If you are not comfortable doing that, you can also custom print this message on the package itself. It looks great to the eye, doing similar types of branding stuff for the companies. It is up to you to decide where this message should be printed i.e. outside or inside of the package. Either way, it will help you to strongly promote the message that can instantly grab the attention of the customers.

    Eco-friendly Product Packaging

    Eco friendly boxes

    Nowadays, many companies are trying to market the idea of green technology in the world. They do it perfectly by using eco-friendly product packaging. They are creatively designed promoting the idea of eco-friendly green products. The whole design of the package is based on green technology, allowing customers to understand the true meaning and advantages of it.

    Looking at this rising packaging trend, it could be said that eco-friendly packaging is the next go-to thing for all types of businesses. Not just for the sake of branding, but they could also save a good amount of money by using green packaging. It could help them save thousands just by using simple boxes made of cardboard or recycled green materials.

    Right now, there are many companies working around using the idea of green products packaging. They have not only received a good branding response, but have also become the trendsetters in the market. So, if you are also looking to get along with the latest branding trends, try out the green packaging. It is not only modernistic, but also very much cost-effective as well.

    Printable Labels and Custom Tissue Paper

    Exterior logo branding

    Printable labels are yet another great option to include in your product packages. It is basically a small piece of card paper designed with the logo and a tagline of the company. It offers a very creative branding touch, allowing you to showcase a stunning positive image of the business.

    Meanwhile, if you want to promote customer-friendly branding, try out including some of the printed tissue papers inside your product packages. It is also a very great technique to market your products with a customer centric approach. Though it will increase the overall packaging cost, but it will also provide a stunning edge to get people’s attention.

    While including any custom tissue paper, just make sure to pick their colors wisely. As per the best branding practices, their colors should be related with the theme of your brand. It will give a much unified image to the overall package, allowing people to understand the smart branding values of the company.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Why do small businesses need an eye-catching product package?
    Due to having limited resources, small businesses largely thrive on the basis of their product branding. It is the major reason why they need an eye-catching package that can get people’s attention instantly.
    2. How can creative product packaging increase product sales for a small business?
    A product package can help a small business to increase the sales. It has the power to grab the eyeballs of the people, provided it has been designed using a creative design.
    3. How to design a unique product package for a small company?
    To design a unique product package, you need to keep the branding theme of a small company in mind. This will help you to pick the right colors and designs needed to create an engaging product package.
    4. What type of colors or design should be used in a product package?
    A product package should portray the right branding image of a company. It should use those colors and designs that can hook people’s attention, so that everyone can show interest in the product.
    5. Where can I find a sample mockup of a product package?
    There are different sites available on the web where you can find product package mockups. Some of the most popular among them include Freepik, Vecteezy and more.


    That concludes our entire article in which we have discussed different packaging ideas for a small business. It has defined some useful tips that will help you to design a product package for any small company. These packages will not only grab people’s attention, but will also enable companies to get higher sales from the market.

    Meanwhile, if you are looking for a company that is well experienced in designing different types of product packages for a small company, contact us today. Our branding experts will help you to design a unique product package that will take your branding and sales to a higher level.

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