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Discover What Defines Signature Logo Design and How to Use it to Your Brand’s Advantage
A signature logo is a wordmark logo that is designed to mimic someone’s signature, with a loopy, handwritten vibe. These logos are usually cursive, with certain imperfections that help create the impact of being written by hand, increasing the logo’s value. That is why in cases where the signature logo is for an individual, their personal signature is replicated digitally.
It’s important to remember that as a wordmark, a signature logo design does not have any icons or symbols used in it, so these logos are entirely textual. And that requires the business to follow some rules. For example, brand names with multiple focus words are quite difficult to incorporate, and will often require the business to choose one as the focus keyword. So, if a business is partnership with named partners in the name, then having a signature logo made is out of the question.
Moreover, for a brand name to be eligible for a signature-style logo, most signature logo design service providers demand that the business name should not be an acronym. So how can you ensure that your brand name satisfies the requirements for a logo signature? And if yes, how can you ensure that it is a success?
Let’s find out.
Why Choose a Signature Logo Design for Your Brand?

Signature logos have an elegance and personality that is unmatched when compared to other kinds of logos. Yet, using a signature logo is not ideal for all use-cases.
For the purpose of branding, signature logos would better suit businesses that are based on an individual’s brand identity. So, for instance, if a musician wishes to have a personal signature logo for their musical instrument store, it would work perfectly, since the singer’s own brand is the company’s USP.
However, in case of large corporations or multi-partner setups, a signature logo usually does not work out. That is because it can neither complement the aesthetics of a corporate firm, nor encapsulate the individualism of an organization that does not function on off an individual’s personal brand.
So, in short, signature logos are mostly considered to be suitable for fashion brand logos, hair stylists, photographers, and other such artistic professions. However, that doesn’t meant that they are limited to small businesses.
This is a common misperception that needs to be addressed, which is why we shall discuss some of the most famous brands who have successfully used signature logos to create a solid brand identity. Keep reading for more logo examples.
What Makes for a Good Signature Logo?
An effective signature logo design has the ability to convey a brand’s personality perfectly, and it should be able to express the brand’s value and culture. For many businesses, using a logo signature can help them express what their brand stands for in a far better manner compared to other logo styles.
Take, for instance, the example of a paintbrush style font for a signature logo. This logo style with its unique font would work best for expressing the artistic nature of a paint company. In another case, a paintball arena using a splashy signature logo can be reflective of the fun sport. Similarly, a children’s toothpaste brand can use a signature logo in a bold, loopy, toothpaste font.
The aforementioned examples, thus, showcase how a signature logo is not limited to small businesses, and when applied correctly, can be used for logos of big companies as well.
What are the Elements You Need to Consider When Creating a Signature Logo?

There are few things that every signature logo designer must be aware of when looking to create a signature logo for their client. By ensuring that these elements have been given due consideration, designers can improve their logos’ success massively and save themselves from the hassle of creating designs that require many revisions. Also, learning how to design a logo that complements that client’s unique brand identity is a great way to become an expert logo designer, making for a great exercise for amateurs.
Color Scheme
Your signature logo should sport color combinations that suit your brand’s culture and values well. Brands are always very cautious when choosing a color palette for their logo because of how powerful colors are in conveying a message to consumers. Channeling the wrong message should thus be avoided.
In the case of failing to do so would mean that your choice of a wrong color for a correct font would still result in a bad design. Therefore, it’s crucial for designers to be on guard against the use of funky colors where elegance is required or a sober color where funkiness is required.
Hand Drawn Fonts
When choosing the option of a signature logo design, it’s best to digitally replicate a hand drawn logo instead of using digital typefaces. A hand drawn signature logo is organic in essence as it perfectly delivers the authenticity required from a signature logo. However, there are options for hand-drawn logo fonts if you desire them.
If you’re wondering how the signature is converted into a digital format, then it’s fairly simple, as the signature can be scanned and traced through photo-editing apps.
Adding a Suitable Tagline
For startups and new businesses, the use of a tagline can be helpful in a signature logo for educating the audience about the products and services that your brand deals in. At times, these taglines become as popular as the brand name itself, and when this happens, the tagline becomes irreplaceable. Think of KFC, and you instantly recall their tagline, “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good”; think of Nike, and you’re instantly reminded of their slogan that says “Just Do It”. In fact, restaurant slogans are how most popular fast food places have made themselves iconic.
Improving Readability
Because signature logos are cursive, they can look very vague, making it difficult for many people to make sense of it at first. If that’s the case with your logo, it’s best to write the brand name underneath the signature in a digital font to help people make sense of it. Either that, or you need to find a balance in design of your signature logo so that it is visible.
This is especially done by the brands that use their initials as their signature logo. Doing so is understandable as not everyone knows what the initials stand for. Some popular examples of such signature logos include Marie Houston’s, Evan Welch, etc.
Don’t Overdo It
It’s hard not to go over the top with signature logo design; however making it ornamental to an extent that it becomes barely understandable is not an option. Of course, it’s not to say that your signature should be plain and minimalist, but generally speaking, there should be a balance, and a signature logo designer can help bring out the best from your signature through tips and suggestions. However, if you feel that minimalist logos are the way to go, then signature logo design is suited for that too.
Signature Logo Design Examples from Famous Brands
Every day, we see some form of signature logos around us, from confectionary companies to makeup brands and more. But when you think about it, what are some of the most popular brands with an interesting and memorable signature logo that comes to mind?
Well, here are some logo examples of famous brands that use signature logos as their brand symbol.

One of the largest international conglomerates, Coca-Cola is perhaps the most famous brand with a signature logo design. While its competitor, Pepsi, has changed its logo around a dozen times, the Coca-Cola logo remains consistent with its use of the signature logo written in Spenserian script that has remained virtually unchanged since the company’s inception. This goes to show that signature logos aren’t limited to fashion brands and photography logos as they are usually known to be.

Cadbury initially began its journey with an entirely different logo with a retro styled bold font. This was later changed in 1951 with a revamped design of the Cadbury logo that was inspired by the handwritten signature of its founder, George Cadbury. As a tribute to the owner, and the long lasting history of Cadbury’s success, this signature logo design gave the brand a fresh and modern look, and improved the brand identity. The rebranding goes to show the unique qualities of a signature logos, and how confectionary companies like Cadbury can use it to their advantage.

Richard Branson’s company, known as Virgin Group, has come a long way since its inception. From a gothic styled logo to one that Branson has described as having an attitude, energy, and in-your-face simplicity, the company has rebranded itself quite well. Today, it has made itself a name in the air-travel, hotels, banking, and telecommunication business among the many other markets that Virgin has penetrated into.
In fact, since Branson’s trip into space, the company’s signature logo design has become even more famous. Considering the fact that the logo represents a group of companies, it’s amazing to see how well its signature logo has adapted and blended into each of these industries.

Another popular backstory behind a signature logo design comes from the brand Kellanova, formerly known as Kellogg’s. The legend has it that Kellogg’s founder, William Keith Kellogg, in the initial years of the company, packaged each packet of corn flakes with his own signature on it as a way to ensure customers that he had personally checked the quality of the product. Soon, the iconic “K” of the logo became the signature for the company, which was adopted by Kellanova in its signature logo when the company was renamed recently.

By now you must be expecting a similar story for Disney’s signature logo design, as it’s well known that the logo is based on Walt Disney’s signature. However, is it? Contrary to popular beliefs, Disney’s signature logo is not inspired by Walt Disney’s own signature, as it is far different from the brand’s logo. Instead, it’s based on Hank Porter’s signature, who was an employee of Disney and was responsible for making signatures on behalf of Walt Disney on the thousands of documents that came to Disney’s office.

The most well-renowned automobile company in the United States surprisingly uses a signature logo. Surprisingly, because most brands opt for a logo rather than a cursive wordmark, yet perhaps the four-letter Ford logo makes it convenient for the manufacturer to use it as its logo.
Another interesting fact about the logo is that it was designed in 1909 by the first chief engineer of the firm whose name was Childe Harold Wills. Will was a very senior member of Ford, and was known to be into business card design and printing.
Later on, the oval was added to the name, after which the logo has had barely any changes made to it.
Where Can You Get Your Signature Logo Designs Made?
Following are some ways that you can get a signature logo design created for your brand, without any hassle. Let’s find out what they are.
Logo Poppin
If you’d like to have a personalized signature logo design that complements your brand identity, then a professional logo design company like Logo Poppin is the way to go! As a well-reputed company with years of experience in providing branding services to our clients, we are experts at providing signature logos that not only meet but exceed your expectations. As a team working on your vision of a perfect logo, our collective genius assures our clients of remarkable results.
Freelance Designers from Gig Sites
Sometimes you may not have the budget to outsource your branding work to professional agency. In that case, the next best option is to look for a freelance logo designer from popular job boards and gig sites. After looking potential candidates and their portfolios, you can choose the one that suits your aesthetic, and fits your budget. That way, you can still have professionally designed signature logos, albeit at a lower cost, and a slightly lower chance of success.
An Online Signature Logo Maker (The Last Resort)
If however, your venture is too small to afford a designer, or doesn’t want to spend your budget on one, the final resort is to use an online signature logo maker. Now, these AI-tools do come help when you are in a pinch. However, these tools rely on premade logo symbols, which can result in a generic-looking logo. So, its best to hire a professional designer, or ideally a branding agency, to tackle your signature logo design projects.
Frequently Asked Questions
1- What are signature logos? Signature logos are logos that are inspired or entirely replicated from a handwritten logo. Thus the name, signature logo design. |
2- How is a normal logo different from a signature logo design? Generally, logos can have various icons and graphical elements in them. However, a signature logo is simply a wordmark logo that is replicated in the style of handwritten signature. |
3- How do I create a handwritten signature logo? Creating a handwritten signature logo design is easy with the help of a professional logo design service or designer. However, you need to do is to ensure that your signature conveys a particular message to people. In short, a brand or an individual’s attitude and personality should be reflected in their signature logos. |
4- How can I create a signature logo for my personal signature? One of the easiest ways to create a logo from your personal signature is by scanning the signature and tracing it on apps such as adobe illustrator. However, that only works if you have design experience. In case you don’t, you can use AI apps to do it for you, or hire a professional designer to do it properly. |
To Sum It Up
Despite the popular opinion and bias against the constraints of using signature logos, we have discussed the merits of both small and large businesses, and how a proper signature logo design can help them. And if made by a professional, brands can and have used them for creating a solid brand identity.
However, you need to ensure that your logo follows the principles of design regarding the elements of the signature logos given above so that at the end of the day your signature logo performs as expected.
Choosing the right branding services is also a challenge, which is why it’s important to outsource the task to a well reputed signature logo design agency or designer who has a strong client portfolio for the job.

Logopoppin is a graphic design agency that specializes in logo designing, web development, video production and advanced branding services. We love to innovate businesses with new age technologies, allowing them to improve their visual reputation.