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    LogoPoppin attempts to ensure maintaining reliability and accuracy of all the information provided on this website; however, it does not guarantee or promises the precision and completeness of the information available related to services, terms or graphics, etc.

    LogoPoppin will attempt to ensure the availability of updated and accurate information. The details provided on this website are for information purposes only and are the property of Edigisol.

    The trademarks, logos, and designs displayed on this website are also the property of Edigisol. Any misuse of these trademarks, logos, or designs without permission or agreement is prohibited. The users are granted access to them. However, LogoPoppin strictly prohibits distribution, copying, reproducing, or modifying them without permission or an agreement.

    The service details provided on website pages do not imply the company’s obligation to offer those services within a given time frame or cost, it may change, if changes are requested by the client after initial requirements. LogoPoppin reserves the right to change, correct, or remove any information on this website without any notice. Placing reliance on any information available would be strictly at the user’s own risk.

    LogoPoppin ensures protecting the information provided by clients. Since payment methods involve using PayPal, Stripe and major credit cards, these services sometimes require collecting confidential information. However, LogoPoppin ensures client information is only shared with authorized employees and trusted parties for business purposes. Please note that LogoPoppin stores no information itself.

    LogoPoppin is not liable for any loss to other parties due to reliance or misinterpretation of any information provided on this website.